ALS Sighting Device for Bi Directional Elevated Lights




ALS Sighting Device for Bi Directional Elevated Lights

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Product Overview

The sighting device consists of a tripod mounting bracket and adjustable clamps, a telescopic sight (marked with angles for field vision), a gauge to see the angle of adjustment and a spirit level bubble to confirm the correct angle is set.

It allows for horizontal and vertical alignment to nearby fittings on the airfield with precision.  The high-quality telescope is marked internally with vision markers and angles for ease of use.

These are required to set the light to the correct vertical setting and azimuth for light fittings on the runway.

These angles are described in ICAO (Annex 14 Appendix 2) / EASA / FAA.


Features & Benefits

  • Telescopic sighting device and bubble spirit level
  • Spring fixing clips
  • Mounting points under each pillar to sit on top of screws on fitting

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Sighting Device

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